A Painting a Day in January! A Month Painting Challenge
It is January and my favorite time of year when I do the PAINTING A DAY CHALLENGE! I love this challenge so much as it forces me into the studio to paint and be creative every single day! This years theme was flowers. I started off with flowers in vases like I did last year but those ended up turning into ladies with flowers in their hair. I actually loved how they turned out and have been thinking of making a series of them! I think the thing I love the most about the challenge is that at the end of the month you have 31 cute little finished paintings! I plan on using a few of them for my bathroom and to freshen up a few walls!
Painting is a side job for me and my day job is a bookkeeper, financial coordinator for an orthodontist in town. I work full time there and try to fit painting in where I can. I often wonder what it would be like to be able to do art full time, but I am afraid I do not have the business skills or talent for something like that. I am just grateful to be able to create art and share it with you!
Through out the month of January, my days would look like this:
Get up at 4 a.m. to workout until 5.
Paint a painting from 5 to 6 a.m.
6 am get ready for work, pick up house and eat breakfast
7:15 am. leave for work and return at 6:15 p.m.
Eat dinner and get ready for the next day.
The days are long, and the weekends were getting Etsy orders listed, and trying to find inspiration for the next week of paintings. Phew, it was a lot of work!!!!! I am glad I made it through!

If you are interested in purchasing a painting a day, they are listed in my ETSY shop. They are all 6x6, original acrylic paintings on heavy watercolor paper. They are easily framed. I bought a pack of 2 frames off of Amazon for $21.00, I will link it here. See below:

Thank you so much to those of you who followed along this month and gave me all the encouraging comments, it helped get me through! If you are an artist following along, I high encourage you to do a challenge like this!!! It makes you create everyday, and who knows what will come of that! I new style, idea, painting inspiration? Just do it!
"Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while one is working" - Henry Matisse